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5 W's of Not Coffee

We begin early education learning the 5 W’s, but how often do we really think about the who, what, where, when, and why of our daily actions? Distracted by everything around us, many of our daily tasks are as natural to us as breathing. Taking a deeper look into the routines and activities we do daily, there is opportunity for greater awareness and even change if desired. However, where can desire arise without the knowledge? Focusing on the first actions of many individuals today, it is time to break down the 5 W’s of coffee. And transparently introduce our alternative that is Not Coffee.
What is coffee?
Coffee as we know it is a brewed drink made from coffee beans, which are the seeds of berries from the plant coffea. The Coffea plant naturally contains the psychoactive drug we call caffeine. Coffee is made by fermentation after the outside layers of berry are stripped away. The bean is dried and stored to eventually be roasted and ground finely for whichever drinking or eating purpose. Sometimes prepared and consumed as is, and often sweetened with various means of sugars or creamers.

What is Not coffee
Not Coffee is a blend of the earth's best adaptogen mushrooms, and best adaptogen herbs. It Contains Reishi, chaga, cordyceps, lion’s mane, shilajit, yacon root, and nettle among many other organic ingredients. Not Coffee is naturally flavoured by cocoa and cinnamon and with only 3 mg of caffeine, it remains non-addictive.
Who Created Coffee?
The legend of coffee first begins with goats. It is long believed that a goat herder watched his animals eating the coffea plant and was amazed as they were met with extreme amounts of energy. His name was Kaldi and lived on the Ethiopian plateau. Kaldi then also tried the plant and after being met with its energizing properties, was hooked. The Boston Tea Party helped popularize coffee among Americans.
Who is Not Coffee
Not Coffee is a product by Oasis Adaptogens Inc. Specializing in adaptogenic and functional supplement formulations, Oasis strives for balance and to provide people with a sense of harmony.

Where is Coffee
Whether ground, instant or in the bean form, coffee can be found in almost every grocery store and wholesale store globally. You can also find coffee on every street corner from your local Tims, Starbucks, Mcdonalds, small coffee shop...
Where is Not coffee
Here! On our website. Pick up locally or sent directly to your home.
When is Coffee
Most popularly consumed as part of the morning routine, coffee is consumed at many points in the day for many, however it is recommended before the afternoon. Drinking coffee in moderation is important and looks different for everyone but it is recommended up to 400mg of caffeine for a healthy adult daily. Before bed or too frequently can result in displeasing side effects or a caffeine overdose
When is Not Coffee
Not Coffee is safe to drink at any point in the day and is a really good replacement for an afternoon or evening coffee due to the low amount of caffeine. It is not recommended to exceed 3 cups a day however there are not many dangers to this.
Why Coffee
Coffee works as a very powerful stimulant. Many individuals drink it for its wakening and high energy effects. Some drink coffee for the rich taste or it is simply something that is part of an everyday routine.
Why Not coffee
The adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms in Not Coffee will soothe your body and mind awake, lessening fatigue and alerting your senses. We have forgotten or are simply unable to see the options that we have to support our bodies and better our lives. Not coffee provides a relief- a relief of fatigue, stress, and the displeasing crashes and side effects that coffee provides.
More than an alternative, Not Coffee is a remedy. Designed for you to be able to sustainably care for your mind and body. When operating outside of awareness, it is hard to see the potential harm in certain actions or easily misinform yourself. We may leave school or graduate, but the education and conversations should never end. Remind yourself to search, ask questions, and be willing to expand.
When Coffee
Most popularly consumed as part of the morning routine, coffee is consumed at many points in the day for many, however it is recommended before the afternoon. Drinking coffee in moderation is important and looks different for everyone but it is recommended up to 400mg of caffeine for a healthy adult daily. Before bed or too frequently can result in displeasing side effects or a caffeine overdose
When Not Coffee
Not Coffee is safe to drink at any point in the day and is a really good replacement for an afternoon or evening coffee due to the low amount of caffeine. It is not recommended to exceed 3 cups a day however there are not many dangers to this.
Why Coffee
Coffee works as a very powerful stimulant. Many individuals drink it for its wakening and high energy effects. Some drink coffee for the rich taste or it is simply something that is part of an everyday routine.
Why Not Coffee
The adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms in Not Coffee will soothe your body and mind awake, lessening fatigue and alerting your senses. We have forgotten or are simply unable to see the options that we have to support our bodies and better our lives. Not coffee provides a relief- a relief of fatigue, stress, and the displeasing crashes and side effects that coffee provides.
More than an alternative, Not Coffee is a remedy. Designed for you to be able to sustainably care for your mind and body. When operating outside of awareness, it is hard to see the potential harm in certain actions or easily misinform yourself. We may leave school or graduate, but the education and conversations should never end. Remind yourself to search, ask questions, and be willing to expand.